Fathom Integrations
Fathom Integrations


Slack Integration

Fathom integrates with Slack, a workplace communication tool widely used for real-time messaging, file sharing, and collaboration. This integration allows you to push selected highlights from Fathom into a dedicated Slack channel, providing a real-time view for others. The functionality is designed to keep your team updated on the highlights, which could be any significant insights, updates, or notes from your Fathom feed. This real-time sharing of highlights encourages immediate action and discussion, enhancing team collaboration and productivity 1, 2.

Salesforce Integration

Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform, is another software that Fathom integrates with. The integration syncs your highlights and notes from Fathom with any matching Contacts, Accounts, and Opportunities in Salesforce. This means any relevant information or updates you have in Fathom will automatically reflect in your Salesforce database, keeping your records up-to-date and consolidated. This can greatly help sales and marketing teams stay aligned on customer interactions and engagements 3, 2.

HubSpot Integration

Fathom also integrates with HubSpot, another well-known CRM platform. Similar to Salesforce, the Fathom-HubSpot integration is designed to sync your highlights and notes from Fathom to HubSpot, ensuring a seamless flow of information between the two platforms. This facilitates an organized and consistent view of customer interactions, improving sales and marketing efficiency 3, 2.

Other Integrations

In addition to the above, Fathom auto-generates call and action item summaries that can be dropped into Notion, Google Docs, Asana, Todoist, and Gmail with a single click. This functionality is intended to streamline your workflow by automating the process of taking notes and tracking action items, saving you time and minimizing the risk of missing important details. These integrations enhance the utility of Fathom by extending its capabilities to these platforms, making it a more versatile and effective tool for managing and understanding customer interactions 2.