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LetsDive: Revolutionizing Remote Meetings With AI


LetsDive is an innovative all-in-one platform designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of remote meetings. It incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) to automate various aspects of meetings, making them more productive and enjoyable. From meeting preparation to in-meeting discussions, and post-meeting follow-ups, LetsDive is here to make meetings "not suck".

Core Features

AI-Driven Meeting Automation

LetsDive utilizes AI to automate various aspects of meetings. This includes generating meeting notes, creating seamless summaries, and making action items easier to manage. The AI technology can optimize meeting preparation, discussion, and follow-up tasks, freeing up team members to focus on the meeting goals and collaborative tasks.

Automated Note-Taking

The platform provides automated note-taking functionality. It lets you focus on the meeting discussions instead of multitasking, as it handles capturing every key insight and making meetings easily searchable.

Action Items and Progress Tracking

With LetsDive, tracking action items and progress becomes an automatic process. The AI generates summaries and action items, making every meeting effortlessly actionable.

Meeting Preparation

Preparing for a meeting is made easy with LetsDive. The platform comes with expert-built meeting agenda templates and reviews the previous meeting's notes and gathers inputs effortlessly.

Seamless Integration

LetsDive integrates with popular meeting platforms like Google Meet and Zoom, making it a versatile tool for any team. It also integrates with workflow tools like Google Docs, Notion, and ClickUp, allowing teams to access summaries and tasks right in their existing tools.

Security and Compliance

LetsDive prioritizes security and privacy, ensuring that user data is safe and compliant with international standards. The platform is GDPR compliant and holds certifications like SOC2, ISO, and HIPAA, demonstrating its commitment to enterprise-grade security.

The Journey of LetsDive

The company began as a platform for remote engagement and team building. It was founded by Nitesh Agrawal and was initially focused on helping remote workers enjoy each other's company. The platform offered a social space where staff could come together, play games, watch YouTube videos, or just hang out with one another.

With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent increase in remote working, LetsDive found itself in exactly the right place at the right time. They quickly adapted and expanded their platform to cater to the changing needs of remote teams.


LetsDive, with its AI-powered functionalities, is transforming the way remote teams conduct meetings. By taking care of administrative tasks and allowing teams to focus on the discussions and decision-making processes, it's making remote meetings more productive and efficient. In a world where remote work is becoming the norm, tools like LetsDive are essential for maintaining team alignment, collaboration, and productivity.
